Price Table
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Price Table
Valid from 1 oktober 2024
Day Rate
1 - 4 Farþegar
5 - 8 Farþegar
Starting Fee:
800 kr.
1.050 kr.
Hourly rate/waiting time:
12.000 kr.
15.600 kr.
Km first 4 km:
613 kr.
722 kr.
Km In Town:
363 kr.
472 kr.
Km Outside Town:
593 kr.
770 kr.
Night Rate
1 - 4 Farþegar
5 - 8 Farþegar
Starting Fee:
800 kr.
1.050 kr.
Hourly rate/waiting time:
13.500 kr.
17.550 kr.
Km first 4 km:
657 kr.
779 kr.
Km In Town:
407 kr.
529 kr.
Km Outside Town:
593 kr.
770 kr.
Holiday Rate
1 - 4 Farþegar
5 - 8 Farþegar
Starting Fee:
1.100 kr.
1.350 kr.
Hourly rate/waiting time:
18.230 kr.
23.700 kr.
Km first 4 km:
799 kr.
963 kr.
Km In Town:
549 kr.
713 kr.
Km Outside Town:
800 kr.
1.040 kr.
Night rate is from 17:00 on weekdays until 07:59 the next day and from 17:00 on Fridays until 07:59 the next Monday. Additionally, the night rate applies on the following days: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Monday, First Day of Summer, May 1st, Ascension Day, Boxing Day, June 17th, Whit Sunday, Whit Monday, and Labour Day.
The holiday rate is active at the following times:
*From 12:00 noon on New Year's Eve until 23:59 on New Year's Day.
*From 12:00 noon on Christmas Eve until 23:59 on Christmas Day.
*Also on Easter Sunday, and it applies from midnight to midnight.